Cryptocurrency Statement from Donald Trump: “I Never Loved It Because…”

Many people, whether they are in the financial industry or not, see cryptocurrencies as a profitable venture that changes the rules of the game. But while most people hold this view, others interpret it completely differently. One of these names is the ex-president of America, who described digital assets as ‘dangerous thing’. Donald Trump.

Trump voiced his views on the matter in a recent interview with Maria Bartimoro. In the interview, the former president of the United States of America said about digital assets and his wife’s past few months. NFT talked about his attempt.

The interview began with Maria Bartiromo asking Donald Trump about his views on digital assets. Donald Trump has stated that he has always been against the digital asset as he sees the dollar as far superior to its usual nature. digital assets He claimed that it was getting bigger and was going to explode without anyone noticing.

crypto coins I never liked it because I prefer dollars. I think the currency should be the dollar so I’ve never been a big fan of these digital assets. But it’s getting bigger and bigger and nobody is doing anything about it. Dollar I don’t want any other currency, and cryptocurrencies may one day explode like we’ve never seen. Assets that seem like great marvels of technology will become baby toys. I think it’s a very dangerous thing.”

Donald Trump has always vocally voiced his stance on digital assets and what they represent in the entire market. A few months ago, he compared digital assets to a disaster lurking in the shadows. Going even further in June “bitcoin “It looks like fraud to me,” he said.

Trump’s wife NFT He also answered questions about his entry into the industry. A few weeks ago, the former First Lady announced that she would like to sell NFT regularly on her new platform. Later, Melanie Trump put an NFT up for sale. In response to the question, Donald Trump said he is happy that he has done a great job with his initiative and that people love it.

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