Cryptocurrency Damage Takes Life!

An unconscious crypto money investment took a life again. A 22-year-old university student, MS, shared on his social media account that he lost money from cryptocurrencies. After this statement, MS ended his life. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

University student ended his life because of crypto money!

An event that upset the Turkish crypto money market was reflected in the press. A 22-year-old college student, MS, ended his life due to his damage to cryptocurrencies. The incident occurred a short time ago in the Kağıthane district of Istanbul. 22-year-old MS, who lived on the 3rd floor of a 5-storey building, fell down from the apartment and died. The following statements in MS’s suicide note draw attention:

I am a betting addict. The reason I committed suicide is because I lost a large amount of money that belonged to my father on the bet to cover the loss when I lost money on crypto.

MS: I lost a large amount of money…

University student MS, who ended his life after losing money on his investments, shared the following on his social media account:

Selamunaleyküm, I will go straight to the point, this is my suicide letter. I’m throwing it with the planning feature of this twitter. Before I committed suicide, I set it to be fired at 9pm the next day. So while you read these lines, I will not be alive. I will explain everything openly without making a fuss. So please don’t look for any other reason behind my death after I pass away. I’m posting this tweet so that we don’t make people bother with statements in police stations or blame the people we should be accused of, just because there is something else behind his death. I am a betting addict, the reason why I committed suicide is that when I lose money from crypto, I lose a large amount of money that belongs to my father in order to cover the loss. I love your eyes, don’t make the news that the young flu has committed suicide, there is profit and loss in every financial tool. I don’t bet on my stupidity, I don’t want to face the consequences of dishonoring my father. I can only apologize here, and I’m sorry I broke your trust. Dad, I hate myself because I don’t have a face. I don’t have the courage to face the consequences of my mistake. I’m both fearful and selfish, I hate myself, I really do. Because it could have been much different, who knows, he is my smart child. Maybe it will work for the country, for the world, but it won’t be because of my own stupidity.

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MS: I apologize to my sister, who will encounter my corpse first!

University student MS made the following statements in the continuation of his statements:

Unfortunately, something like this, I’ve been walking around with this load for a few months. I swear, such a life is unbearable. How many months will you say why are you committing suicide now? Because I can’t hide anymore. I never told my father the truth so I could save him. I procrastinated everything by lying all the time. But on Monday my father has payment and we have to give the money from my money. But the money is not around. The more I tried to recover it, the more I lost. My brothers and friends, I apologize to you personally for what I did. Suicide is really hard work, I didn’t think it would be this hard. How am I going to do it, jumping off the bridge, jumping in front of the subway, taking medicine, hanging myself, etc. all of them are difficult. Individual armament is not free enough that I would shoot a bullet in my head and leave. Look, use this argument huh, people cannot easily commit suicide. I’ve looked for ways to commit suicide, Google doesn’t allow me to view most of them. I don’t have enough energy to do a deeper research anyway. The idea of ​​sleeping warmly and dying while lying in bed on a winter day sounded very nice. That’s why I’m planning to mix some sleeping pills with a few pills and go that way. I apologize to my sister who will encounter my body first. But I couldn’t find any other way that my heart had enough. Unfortunately, my death will not only affect me, there are many people who will be affected by what I have done, and I am too cowardly to even apologize to them. I can’t even ask one person in my family to give his rights. My friends, relatives and acquaintances, I apologize to all of you for making such a promise to you. There is nothing to do. You’ve seen my real face. I am a selfish, dishonest and cowardly creature. Instead of facing the consequences of my actions, I commit suicide. I will die a coward. Remember me as well. Don’t even remember, act like I’ve never lived. I am sure that a life without me will be much better for all of you. I don’t have the right to ask for such a thing, but let me know, take care of yourself.

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