Sends $10 Million To A Woman Who Asked For $100 accidentally sent $10 million to the woman who wanted her $100 back. The incident was brought to court after being noticed 7 months later. But there was no news from the woman who received the 10 million dollars.

One of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, came up with a big case today. According to the details quoted by the Daily Mail, an Australian woman requested a $100 refund from the platform. But made a mistake and sent her a total of $10 million.

Thevamanogari Manivel did not report this situation to, and it took too long for the platform to realize this. Platform, He sent $10 million instead of $100. He noticed it exactly 7 months after the day the error occurred, that is, May 2021. But by the time this was realized, the $10 million sent had already evaporated.

The court ordered the money to be refunded and the house to be sold, but there was no response from the woman yet:

According to the shared details, gave the woman a total of $100 for the refund request. 10 million 474 thousand 143 dollars sent. reached out to the woman to get the money back after noticing this incident in December 2021. But $1.35 million of that money had already been spent by the woman to buy a luxury five-bedroom house. The remaining money was transferred by the woman to other accounts. It was learned that a portion of $430,000 was transferred to the woman’s child., after learning of this, applied to the court to freeze the woman’s assets. However, long before this application, the woman registered her home with her sister living in Malaysia. Thilagavathy Gangadory had passed on it. The company then went to court against Gangadory and demanded the house’s fee back with 10% interest.

The court ordered Gangadory to pay $1.35 million to and ordered the house to be sold. However, according to the reported information, Gangadory has not yet responded to this request.’s lawyers, on the other hand, declined to comment as the matter is still in the legal process. There was no news from Manivel and Gangadory.


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