‘Country Size’ Water Reserve Discovered on Mars

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos) announced that a new discovery was made within the scope of their joint mission. Officials stated that the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter vehicle discovered a large water reserve on the planet.

Recently to Mars There has been a significant increase in the responsibilities. The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) last year sent to the Red Planet. Perseverance Rover He sent the space rover named Mars and took a big step in the search for life on Mars. In a news we shared recently, we stated that China and the European Space Agency (ESA) are working together to send data from Mars to Earth.

According to the statements made yesterday, there has been a new development in this regard. European Space Agency (ESA) and Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos) on Mars as part of a joint mission by the size of the Netherlands It has been announced that there is a water reserve.

High amount of hydrogen detected

In the statements made, it was stated that the discovered water reserve was discovered in the canyon of Mars named Valles Mallineris. The largest canyon in the solar system Valles Mallineris, located south of the equator of Mars and from the Grand Canyon in the USA 10 times longer and 5 times deeper is in an area.

Authorities said that this discovery was a joint project of ESA and Roscosmos. ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter stated that it was made by According to the statements, this orbiter detected a large amount of hydrogen under the surface of the canyon. In addition, it was revealed that the soil in the region is rich in moisture and contains water ice.

May shed light on future research


Alexey Malakhov, from the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, also said in his statements about the discovery, “We observed that a large area of ​​the canyon is filled with water. This is a much larger area and amount of water than we had anticipated. In addition, the fact that the water ice we discovered is permanently under the ground is also a reason for this situation. to the permafrost regions of the Earth reveals the similarity”.


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Experts had previously stated that they had found water tanks on the Red Planet. According to ESA and Roscosmos, this new discovery shows that the water on the planet is more than the estimates and that this water is more ‘water’.workable‘ and sheds light on future research.

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