Countries with Highest and Lowest Air Quality Announced

Released the global air quality report for 2021. According to research by IQAir, not a single country met the standards of the World Health Organization in 2021. So the weather on our planet is much worse than it should be…

Swiss-based air quality monitoring company IQAirhas released its global air pollution report for 2021. The published report revealed that our planet is much more polluted than it should be. Because the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO), It could not be met by even a single country in 2021. In a statement made last year, WHO said that the air cleanliness criterion should be lower than 5 micrograms per cubic meter of the smallest and dangerous particles (PM2.5) known.

According to the research conducted by IQAir in 6,475 cities, the air quality in the world is in WHO standards. ratio of regionsrecorded as 3.4 percent. The air quality rate in 93 cities was at least 10 times worse than it should have been. Making statements on the subject, IQAir manager Christi Schroeder said that to improve air quality. There are countries that are trying however, he stated that the opposite is also true. According to Schroeder, China is one of the countries that has taken positive steps to improve air quality.

Country with worst air quality: Bangladesh

According to the reviews by IQAir country with the worst air quality Bangladesh. The country was in the same position in 2020. African country included in the study for the first time Chad It was recorded as the second country with the worst air quality. New DelhiIt has been stated that the air quality is the worst in the capital city.

How is Turkey’s air quality?

Turkey air quality

Looking at IQAir’s interactive map, we can see that the air quality study all over our country We see it done. In this context, our city, Çankırı, where air quality measurements are made and which gives the best results as a result of the measurements. The rate of harmful particles in the air of Çankırı, which is in the 4047th place among 6475 cities included in the research, was determined as 9.3 µg/m³. While the same rate is 17 for Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, our city with the worst air quality in Turkey; Iğdır. The rate of harmful particles in the air of Iğdır is 66.2 µg/m³. Turkey, on the other hand, has a harmful particle rate of 20 μg/m³ among 117 countries. ranks 46th.

The situation in countries by air quality

world air quality map

The ranking of the countries is as follows:

Country ranking according to air quality

According to the study, the countries with the best air quality are:

  • New Caledonia
  • Virgin Islands
  • Porto Rico
  • Cape Verde
  • Saba

Here are the countries with the worst air quality:

  • Bangladesh
  • Chad
  • Pakistan
  • Tajikistan
  • India

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