ChatGPT Answers Wrong Programming Questions

ChatGPT frequently gives incorrect answers to programming-related questions, and developers ignore incorrect information, according to a new study.

Tools such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT chat bot stand out as revolutionary technologies that will make employees’ jobs extremely easy, and may even take away people’s jobs in the future. Many employees also rely on artificial intelligence to make their jobs easier. On the other hand, according to a new study ChatGPTquestions about programming by 52% gives wrong answer.

In a study conducted by researchers from Purdue University, 517 programming questions taken from Stack Overflow ChatGPT was asked. Afterwards, the percentage of the artificial intelligence chat bot answering these questions correctly was measured. In their article, the researchers “Our analysis showed us that 52% of ChatGPT responses contained misinformation and 77% were verbose. Still, our study participants preferred to use ChatGPT’s responses 35% of the time due to the comprehensiveness and fluid language of ChatGPT’s responses.” he said.

Developers failed to catch incorrect answers

The more disturbing part is that the developers not always catching wrong answers happened. According to the research, participants ignored incorrect information in ChatGPT answers 39% of the time. This means that precautions must be taken against ChatGPT’s incorrect answers, the researchers said, and reveals the risk of seemingly correct answers.

Of course, this study is only a single scenario and chat bots too It can be customized for various purposes. Companies that produce artificial intelligence tools also continue to work to ensure that bots can give more accurate answers.


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