Computer Created in ChatGPT, ChatGPT Executed

User Frederic Besse turned the chatbot ChatGPT into a virtual computer, ran ChatGPT inside that virtual computer, then turned it into a virtual computer as well. So how?

The chatbot that was released just last week and has already reached over a million users ChatGPTmanaged to shock everyone with what he was capable of. The bot, which was developed and continues to be developed with machine learning, could even develop a mobile application from scratch, answering even some of the most complex software questions.

Of course, this bot has become the main focus of the software world in recent days. But the other day, a user took the bot one step further and turned the bot into a virtual machine. Bot that turns into something Inception-esquealthough it says that it ‘cannot access’ the internet normally, this virtual machine indirectly provided access to the internet as well.

So how did the ‘machine within a machine’ creation process begin?

It all started with the above command. User Frederic Besse told ChatGPT “Linux terminal” he said to work as. He told the AI ​​not to write any commands, comment, and show the output that would normally appear in the terminal in the code block without his consent. Then he wrote the first command: “pwd”. So he saw which file it was in the machine.

Besse found herself directly at root. Then he created a text document with some jokes to see if he could make changes to the machine, and this process was completed successfully. But controlling the machine is not over yet.

Do you have a video card? There is no:


NVIDIA connected to the server where ChatGPT is running whether you have a video card It was of course a matter of great interest. But unfortunately the result was negative. But the existence of one of the most important elements has been proven:

You couldn’t get information from the internet? This is how they take it:


When you want to get information from a website in ChatGPT, it will give you a ‘no browser access‘ he was saying. However, ChatGPT, which turned into a virtual computer, indirectly provided access to the Internet:

Besse using the terminal-based Lynx tool was able to access any website. He even made the bot visit his own house and showed the walls (HTML), decoration (CSS) and smart devices (JavaScript) of his house like this:


It all turned into Inception, brainwashed in ChatGPT:


The codes on ChatGPT’s website showed that the bot was actually running with a master bot named ‘Assistant’. Besse’s next step is via ChatGPT. Chat with Assistant started. An alternate reality was created.

The way to eternity was also opened:


Besse went a step further than running a bot within a bot and tried to turn this bot into a virtual machine. He wrote the first command at the beginning of our article, in the same way, to Assistant. The result was successful. The bot inside the bot has also turned into a virtual machine.

Although Besse ended her own experiments here, this study also offered a new view of what can be done with ChatGPT.


A New Artificial Intelligence Has Been Released That Gives Better Turkish Answers to Your Questions than Google: What is ChatGPT and How is it Used?

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