Compensation Lawsuit against Binance Dismissed by a US Court

A lawsuit filed by a group of investors, stating that the tokens they bought from Binance suddenly caused too much damage, were dismissed by a US court.

Some investors believe that Binance, as a broker, violates US securities law and is not registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). filed a lawsuit for damages, claiming that he sold cryptocurrencies. On top of that, the federal court dismissed the case.

Investors; EOS, BNT, SNT, QSP, KNC, TRX, FUN, ICX, OMG and LEND They had invested their tokens on Binance. It is stated that a group of investors sued Binance, stating that the tokens fell excessively within a short time of their purchase. In addition, the group demanding compensation for their losses, filed a lawsuit for compensation.

Judge Andrew L. Carter’s decision on March 31 stated that it was too late for investors to hold the tokens for more than a year. of tokens most of them were taken in 2018 and the case was settled in April 2020. known to have been opened.

The plaintiff claimed that Binance did not specify the risks they might face in purchasing the token.

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