Best Selling Books in April

If you are curious about the books that book lovers have read most recently and are looking for books to read, you are in the right place. Let’s see which books were most preferred last month?

We have listed books of different genres for you, from philosophy to personal development. If you want to read a book but can’t decide which one to read, all you have to do is choose one of the books below.

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Labyrinth West and Its Adversaries – Amin Maalouf

‘It is not too late. We have the means to get out of this “maze”. As long as we first accept that we have lost our way…’

In 2022, a devastating war broke out in the heart of Europe, triggering the traumas of the past. Nuclear disaster scenarios are close to becoming reality. An iron hand literally brought the West face to face with Russia and China.
Our age, under the rule of arrogant and selfish rulers and obsolete ideologies that despise reason and foster inequality, is rapidly drifting towards the abyss. Today, neither the West nor its enemies are able to take humanity out of this labyrinth in which it is trapped. The light spread by both the West and the East is no longer sufficient to illuminate the world, but there is no room for despair.

In Labyrinth, Amin Maalouf explains the ancient roots of the new conflicts and challenges between the West and its enemies through the history of four great nations.

  • ”Very good work, it tells the historical process of three communist societies, I recommend it to those who are interested. “I loved his novels, his trial book was also good.”

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Law of Resonance – Pierre Franckh

‘You miss the happy moments that always seemed unattainable to you. You want to be a part of the infinite richness of the universe and stay in harmony with it. Now it’s time to discover one of the true, wise secrets of life: Everything you feel or think creates a field of resonance and changes you and those around you permanently.’

In this book, Pierre Franckh explains how to eliminate internal and external influences that have the potential to block your desires, how to create a positive visualization of your goals, how to establish a strong resonance field, and how to achieve the changes you want in your life with your thought power and feelings.

  • ”I read it with emphasis, just to look back at it from time to time, I think it is a great book, it explains what you want and how effective the words about it can be. “Definitely buy it and read it.”

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The Red Plague – Jack London

Jack London became one of the pioneers of “post-apocalyptic” literature with his work The Red Plague, which was published in London Magazine in England in 1912. In an age where people are dazzled by the leaps in population, science and technology, and economy, the author reminds us of the fragility of our civilization. His work strikingly reveals the speed at which cities and countryside filled with millions of people surrender to desolation. The loss of not only the population, but also knowledge, production, and even language is explained to the new humanity through the eyes of a professor who is a bridge with the old civilization. So, will the new humanity listen to this need? The sharpness of Jack London’s predictions, which looks at the world of the 2010s, a hundred years after the beginning of the twentieth century in The Red Plague, makes the book, beyond being a classic, still a lively criticism for today.

  • ”It’s a good book. It was a science fiction-like book. The subject of the book is an epidemic that surrounds the world. Let me tell you this much. I recommend you to buy it. Thanks.”

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Atomic Habits – James Clear

Whether you are a member of a team aiming to win a championship, a company executive hoping to lead the industry, or simply someone who dreams of quitting smoking, losing weight or reducing stress. Atomic Habits offers the tools and strategies you need to change your habits while changing your perspective on progress and success.

  • ”A book that is truly eye-opening and provides a different perspective and effort to gain or change habits. The kind that makes you say, “Oh, how simple it is.” There are real down-to-earth tactics, not like the classic motivational videos or books left and right. It is a book that you can read chapter by chapter without getting bored, and there are summaries at the end of each chapter. If I briefly ask what this book is; It gives tips on starting small and simple and working your way up slowly and steadily. “I recommend it, you won’t regret it.”

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Midnight Library – Matt Haig

‘There is a library between life and death,’ he said. “The shelves in this library go on forever. Every book offers you the chance to live another life you could have lived. You see what your life would be like now if you had made different choices…

If you had the chance to make up for your regrets, would you act differently on some issues?’

Matt Haig, one of the important names of English literature; It offers readers who will accompany Nora on this journey of regrets, possibilities and the possibility of choosing again, an absorbing fiction that deals with the most fundamental problems of humanity.

  • ”The book will actually connect you to life, show you the value of your own life, and at the same time, it will show you that the possibilities you think are bad may not actually be bad. It won’t be too difficult for you with its fluent and simple language. “I think it’s worth taking the time to read.”

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Scattered Minds – Gabor Mate

As parents who do our best to raise our children in a loving, trusting environment, there is no need to feel any more guilty than we already do. What we need is less guilt. We also have an increased awareness of how the quality of the parent-child relationship can be used for the development of our children. Scattered Minds was written to encourage this kind of awareness.

Gabor Maté, one of the first names that come to mind when it comes to modern psychotherapy, this time focuses on attention deficit disorder (ADD). As someone who has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder himself, he debunks the myth surrounding this topic. By explaining the intricacies of a relationship and trust-based approach to child development, it offers a guide that will benefit not only parents of children with ADD and adults with ADD, but also every parent.

  • ”The more I read Gabor Mate, the more I liked him. The existence of such people and the fact that they have compiled your experiences into books deeply affects me. His style is so clear and sincere that I even cried while reading it, when his own life story was included in it. He conveyed enlightening information and experiences about ADD and Hyperactivity. Once again, I admired him. I wish all his books were translated.”

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Thoughts for Myself – Hasan Ali Yücel Classics Series

Marcus Aurelius (121 AD-180 AD): He was born in Rome in 121 AD. Fronto took private lessons from leading orators and philosophers of his time, such as Apollonius Chalcedonius. He reigned as Roman Emperor between 161-180 AD. Marcus Aurelius, known with adjectives such as “Stoic Emperor” and “Philosopher Emperor”, spent most of his reign on campaigns, although he was a peaceful person. Reflections on Myself, which he started to write during an expedition against the Germanic tribes at the end of 169 AD, are of great importance for Stoicism, especially the Roman Stoics. Marcus Aurelius, who had a strong belief in equality and freedom, tried to live by knowing and understanding nature throughout his empire and put humans in the middle of everything. In his work, Thoughts on Myself, which can be described as a collection of aphorisms and thoughts written on a daily basis, he not only criticizes the Caesars and philosophers before him, but also does an examination of conscience by questioning himself. Reflections on Myself, which were the basis for later generations, church thinkers, and the Renaissance, are still a very valuable resource today in terms of understanding the Stoic philosophy.

  • “I really wanted to read the book, but I never had the chance. When I saw it on Amazon, I ordered it immediately. It is a very nice book, it surprised me that a Roman emperor was so humble and had such a strong character. “I think there is a lot you can learn from the book.”

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Stolen Attention – Johann Hari

When journalist-writer Johann Hari realized how difficult it was for him to focus on things in recent years, he first looked for the blame on himself. But then he realized that most people were actually suffering from the same problem. Thus, when he started researching the issue and meeting with experts, he discovered that there were much deeper and more comprehensive reasons. In Stolen Attention, Hari examines these reasons in detail, as well as pondering ways to regain our attention.

  • ”I like it a lot. It made me conscious, both philosophically and voluntarily, about thinking about the phone and living a quality life. “An easy-to-read book.”

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Three Body Problem – Cixin Liu

A secret military project sends signals into space to communicate with aliens. A civilization on the verge of destruction that caught this signal wants the Earth for itself.

  • “It is definitely a fascinating series that you will read breathlessly. I saw and watched the series after reading the book, the book was much more enjoyable.”

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When Your Body Says No – Gabor Mate

Illness is a disturbing condition. It deals a serious blow to vital physiological and psychological processes that a person is not very aware of when he is healthy. Especially someone with a chronic disease begins to realize the limits of their body through this disease. Intuition and teachings based on the wisdom of the ancients relate physical ailments to a person’s personality structure, psychological state, especially stress. However, when it comes to the mind and body, modern medicine can overlook the person’s emotional conditions before the disease begins or how these affect the course and final state of the disease.

This book strikingly reveals the effects of stress on our health, especially the hidden stresses we create unconsciously as a result of conditioning from our childhood years that are so deep and skillfully placed that they can be considered a part of our true self.

  • ”A book that can be read before contracting a chronic disease and causes one to seek therapy as soon as possible. “The playbook needs to be read over and over again.”

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