Coinbase Denies Allegations That It Is Limiting Bitcoin Withdrawals

US-based cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase denied the claim that there were limits on withdrawal transactions on the exchange.

A Coinbase user who wants to withdraw Bitcoin (BTC) from his Coinbase account to his cold wallet, A withdrawal limit of $5,000 per week He said he started practicing.

While the post received hundreds of thousands of views, some cryptocurrency researchers noticed that other users also whether you have encountered a similar limit to learn worked.

A Coinbase spokesperson who made statements to the press said that the allegations It’s not “right” announced. In the statement, “Withdrawals from Coinbase will vary depending on the payment method you use to withdraw money.” said.

The person who brought up the allegation made a statement after sharing the post and stated that Coinbase officials contacted him. told. Coinbase user, “Unfortunately they gave me a bad explanation about the algorithms as to why my (withdrawal) transaction was frozen.” said.

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