It has emerged that a new regulation will be made regarding natural gas bills. The regulation, which the government is alleged to be working on, separates the tariffs of citizens living in hot cities from those living in cold cities. Citizens living in cold cities will be billed at lower prices.
government’s natural gas bills It is claimed that he is working on a new regulation regarding the issue. According to the information received, the regulation planned to be brought to the agenda of the Parliament at the beginning of 2022, billing citizens living in different cities at different tariffs covers. If the regulation becomes law, citizens living in colder provinces will be billed at lower tiers.
It is possible to compare the new regulation with electricity bills. electricity bills in Turkey, in all cities determined according to certain consumption amounts. In natural gas, this will not happen. Citizens living in colder provinces and citizens living in warmer provinces will have different tariffs.. Thus, the injustice between the citizen who lives in hot cities and pays low bills and the citizen who lives in cold cities and pays high bills will be eliminated.
It is unclear how the grading will take place.
According to the information received, the government aims to reduce cold cities such as Kars, Sivas, Erzurum and hot cities such as Adana and Antalya with the studies to be carried out. their tariffs will change. The Ministry of Energy and natural gas distribution companies have discussed how the grading will be. a collaborative effort they will. However, there are some things that are not clear here. For example, it is not yet clear how the levels will be determined and whether the precipitation or temperature value will be taken as a basis in the climate characteristics.
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There were also some statements from government sources regarding the issue. In statements made by anonymous sources, “The natural gas consumed in a month in Kars, maybe in Antalya not consumed in a year. If you set the first tier for all provinces, for example, 100 units, places with mild winters will always pay bills at the lower tier. Because the natural gas consumed in an eastern province will not be the same as the consumption in the Mediterranean. A resident of Adana will consume much less than a province in the east and will always pay at a lower level since the consumption amount will be low. It to injustice leads to‘ statements were made.
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