ChatGPT competed with the medical doctor. The results are amazing!

ChatGPT, one of the most popular artificial intelligence models of recent times, surprised those who saw it in an applied test. The test in question was organized by a group of researchers, and as a result of the comparisons made, the answers given by the artificial intelligence turned out to be more satisfactory than the medical doctor.

Answers by ChatGPT are 79 percent more successful

As part of the test conducted by a group of scientists in the US state of California, 179 medical questions were asked to both the ChatGPT model and a real doctor. The answers to the questions were reviewed by a committee of 3 physicians, with surprising results. So much so that ChatGPT answers the questions asked. 79 percentHe gave better answers to her than the real doctor.

These results show that artificial intelligence can play an important role in accessing medical information and diagnostic processes. Artificial intelligence models such as ChatGPT can help patients understand their health problems more quickly and accurately and provide informative recommendations on treatment options. However, it may be a more appropriate approach for AI technology to support doctors as a tool, rather than completely replacing doctors in medical decisions. Because the clinical experience of doctors and the human factor will remain an important element in the decision-making process in the treatment processes, and it will almost never be possible for artificial intelligence to completely replace this experience.

Can ChatGPT predict Bitcoin price?  Here is the result

Can ChatGPT predict Bitcoin price? Here is the result

What did ChatGPT say about Bitcoin price? Generative AI tools make interesting predictions about cryptocurrency outcomes.

It seems that artificial intelligence will continue to come up with new developments every day and surprise us. We can expect that ChatGPT, which reflects a significant part of these developments, will remain on our agenda for a long time. So what do you guys think about this issue? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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