Chainlink Announces New Growth Program: SCALE

Chainlink Labs, a provider of blockchain oracles, has launched a new program for the growth of the blockchain ecosystem.

The program called SCALE, created by Chainlink Labs, stands for “Sustainable Chainlink Access for Layer 1 2 Enablement” in its long form.

The purpose of the program will be to enable decentralized applications working at Layer 1 and Layer 2 levels to access oracle services more easily.

The oracles offered by Chainlink are available to blockchain developers. off chain It offers the opportunity to use data at the level of the system in a decentralized way.

The SCALE program is actually Chainlink’s more comprehensive Economics 2.0 program developed as part of The purpose of the Economics 2.0 program is to both offer Chainlink’s oracle services. security as well as cost in terms of improving.

Collaborating with Chainlink Labs in this program includes Avalanche, Metis, Moonbeam and Moonriver.

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