In a study published in the journal Nature, a study on stem cells revealed that they play a big role in the graying of our hair as we age. So, is it possible to reverse this situation?
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the biggest reason many of us fear old age (especially those of us who are blonde) is that our hair will turn white as we get older. Did you know that our stem cells are responsible for the graying of our hair?
In a study by researchers from New York University, melanocyte stem cells (McSC) and found in both mice and humans, these stem cells are a structure in the epidermis of our skin where hair grows in the form of a tunnel. in the follicles exists and receives signals to develop into mature cells that produce protein pigments responsible for color. it makes our hair color.
McSCs lose their mobility as they age, so they are no longer able to produce color for our hair
In the research published in the journal Nature, it was observed that the McSCs distribute the pigments in a way thanks to the movements they perform during the growth of the hair, thus protecting the color of the hair. However, the researchers found that this back-and-forth movement of McSCs decreased with age, and therefore hair is unpigmented observed. This was the main source of graying hair in old age.
Is it possible to reverse or prevent hair whitening?
Mayumi Ito, of the NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Department of Dermatology, and lead author of the study. “This study demonstrates the vital importance of McSCs in hair color maintenance. In aged mice, pigment production can be reversed by reactivation of McSCs. This can lead to hair regrowth.” says. However that this procedure is not yet possible in humans and further research is needed to develop this method.
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This research may also provide some clues to prevent hair graying. The researchers note that therapeutic approaches that involve the use of WNT proteins or reactivation of McSCs can help prevent or reverse hair graying.
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