Can the Sun Kill Us Like Into The Night?

We all watched the Netflix original series Into The Night with love, albeit with a little shudder. We shuddered because in the series it was mentioned that the Sun, which gives life to our Earth, can kill us. Moreover, the story told is actually a scientific fact. So, can the sun really kill us? Let’s take a closer look at the statements made by scientists on the subject.

In 2020, a period when the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still ongoing, a series called Netflix Belgium original production Into The Night was released. We all watched the series, which was broadcast for 2 seasons, with love and a bit of anxiety. Because in the story told in the series, it was mentioned that the Sun, which gives life to our world, could kill us. The event described in the TV series Into The Night is actually the actual event. and a situation confirmed by scientists.

In the series Into The Night, the event experienced by the Sun is called polar reversal and occurs in cycles of about 11 years. Of course, since you can read this article right now, none of us died, but this event does not have to occur for the Sun to destroy us. What will happen in a billion years. Bride Can the sun really kill us like in Into The Night? Let’s examine in detail what scientists say.

For those who don’t know, let’s first look at the plot of Into The Night:

Netflix Belgium original production Into The Night, a 2020 sci-fi thriller It starts with the lethal effects of the sun’s rays. Realizing this, a NATO soldier aims to hijack a plane and go west, thus leaving the lethal effects behind. The effects of the sun are so bad that those who get sunlight on their skin die on the spot, and even fruits rot.

So why does the sun kill people in the series Into The Night?

As the story of Into The Night progresses, we learn more and more details about the events in the Sun. It is said that the Sun is experiencing a polar reversal. Due to this situation The massive star’s magnetic field is changing. Due to this change, the rate of radiation in the sun’s rays increases and leaves a deadly effect on people.

The second season of the show takes place in a bunker. This shelter is underwater because when the water has sufficient depth, unlike even the soil, it is called UV radiation. It can absorb the sun’s rays and the radiation contained in it. But at some point, the situation cannot be circumvented in this way because the rate of radiation coming to the Earth with the Sun’s rays increases so much that it comes to a point that will affect people even at night.

The event described in the series is actually based on reality, but there is plenty of fiction in it.

sun earth

So if we have to get to the bottom of the story told in Into The Night, yes, we can say it’s true, but don’t worry because it’s a drama after all. It contains a lot of fiction. As we have already explained in our article here, there is a certain amount of radiation in the UV rays that come to our world with sunlight, but we can get rid of these harmful rays by applying sunscreen, not being under the sun too much or dressing properly.

If the event described in the even though it’s real not exactly as described. In the story Into The Night The event described occurs on the Sun approximately every 11 years. and this is called polarity reversal. When there is a polar reversal, the magnetic fields at the south and north poles of the big star we call the Sun change in the opposite direction. That is, the negative magnetic field turns positive, and the positive magnetic field turns negative.

According to NASA’s statement on the subject, when the Sun experiences polar reversal, this situation affects cosmic rays. causing supernova explosions. These explosions directly affect astronauts in space, space probes and the International Space Station.

The polar reversal experienced in the Sun can also affect the Earth’s atmosphere, thus its cloudiness and thus its climate. However This influence is only a possibility. This event last happened in 2013 and as you can see, we were not fatally affected as described in the series. In other words, even if the scientific facts in Into The Night are real, the effects are fiction. But that doesn’t mean the Sun won’t destroy us one day.

Let’s get back to our main topic: Can the sun kill us one day, as described in the TV series Into The Night?

It will not be as described in the series Into The Night, but if we look at the studies of scientists on the subject yes, the sun may one day kill us for real. Because after the big bang, life was formed on our Earth as a result of the coming together of countless chains of coincidence, and this process continues. Due to the nature of the process, at some point, the Sun will bring the end of the living things that live in it, if not planet Earth.

All the oxygen on Earth will have been burned by the Sun over time.

Because, just like the creatures living on this planet, the evolution of the Earth continues. As this process continues, geological and biological changes occur. Oxygen is the basis of life on earth because no living thing can survive without oxygen. This is how the Sun will kill us because in time all the oxygen on Earth will have been burned by the Sun.

Assistant Professor Kazumi Ozaki of Tohoku University prepared a model. The prepared model was operated more than 400 thousand times. The results are clear. Sun; The mantle disrupts the reducing force between the ocean, atmosphere, crustal system and deoxygenation is increasing rapidly. In time, the Earth will return to what it was before the Great Oxidation about 2.5 billion years ago.

None of what we’re talking about will happen so soon, of course.

According to the model prepared by Assistant Professor Kazumi Ozaki of Tohoku University and run over and over hundreds of thousands of times, the Sun is burning oxygen on earth It causes a condition we call deoxygenation. According to all results, in about 1 billion years, all of the oxygen on Earth will be burned by the Sun and it will turn into an empty piece of rock with no life for our planet.

If you say who is left to die for 1 billion years, unfortunately, there is worse news, at the same time as the model created. The rate of methane gas released in the world was also examined. As human beings, we cause much, much greater damage to our planet than the sun does to our planet in a natural process. Due to the climate change, we will bring the end of our world with our own hands, without the need for the Sun.

UV rays and incoming radiation reach a deadly point Can the sun really kill us like in Into The Night? We talked about the work of scientists by answering the question. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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