Best Turkish TV Series According to IMDb (2024)

Watching TV series is considered one of the most entertaining ways to step into different worlds by getting away from the busy pace and stress of daily life. In this context, you may be researching the best TV series. In this regard, we are here with the best Turkish TV series content according to IMDb as of 2024.

Gibi, whose first episode was published in January 2021, centers on two close friends, Yılmaz and İlkkan, who constantly spend time together but have endless quarrels between them. The series tells the adventures of two friends whose seemingly ordinary lives are constantly complicated by strange and unexpected events.

Cinema lovers here!  Here are the best Turkish TV series you can watch on Netflix!

Cinema lovers here! Here are the best Turkish TV series you can watch on Netflix!

In this content, we have brought together the best Turkish TV series that you can watch on Netflix. Here are the popular Turkish TV series…

The best Turkish TV series

Leyla and Mecnun, one of the best Turkish TV series, is based on the story of legendary characters Leyla and Mecnun, as you can understand from the name. The series, which includes elements such as absurd comedy, science fiction and situation comedy, deeply affects the audience.

Behzat Ç.: An Ankara Detective, inspired by Emrah Serbes’s novel Every Contact Leaves a Trace, is known as a detective series that takes place in the capital Ankara and tells the events experienced by a group of police officers.

The best Turkish TV series

Şahsiyet, a 2018 crime and drama series, is also among the best Turkish TV series. The production in question deals with the revenge plans of Agah Beyoğlu, a retired courthouse officer diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, against those who he believes did not serve justice in the past, through his paths intersecting with the young female detective Nevra.

The 99 best TV series in the world according to IMDb!

The 99 best TV series in the world according to IMDb!

IMDb has updated its list of the 99 best TV series. Well-known productions were also included in the ranking. Here are the best TV series in the world according to the IMDb list…

Kardeş Payı is known as a comedy series starring Ahmet Kural and Murat Cemcir. The funny and dramatic events that occur while the brothers playing the characters Ali and Metin are pursuing an invention that will save the world are told.

You can go to the second page for the continuation of our best Turkish TV series content.

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