BTK’s Ceiling Price Will Increase Package and Tariff Fees

Operators are expected to make a big increase after BTK announced the ceiling price on April 1.

From the days when we ran away from commitment commitment to chase These days when we return, we are focusing on whatever is affordable and long-term. Internet and telephone packages are mostly the subject of this. Because when there is no commitment in these, every month rising wages We are used to seeing it.

According to Sabah’s news, these fees are: BTK’s The ceiling it will announce will increase according to the price and will increase on April 1 next. The news in question also points out that the operators are basically quite profitable. This is more than what is said even before the raise There has been a 150 percent increase in wage rates compared to last year.

There is a price ceiling for calls and SMS, internet charges depend on the free market.

Currently, the price of domestic calls is 2.45 TL per minute, international calls are 24.57 TL per minute, and the SMS price is 1.75 TL. These are the information published by BTK every 6 months, between April and October. Mobile Electronic Communication Services Maximum Fee Tariff They are determined by the declaration and will be presented updated with new increased packages after the increase that will come on April 1.

Internet fees are not included in that declaration. HE, Electronic Communications Law It is processed under free market conditions. That’s why we can’t predict the fate of internet fees yet.

Those who want to protect themselves from the increase for a while are advised to renew or extend their commitments before April.

According to BTK data, operators are quite profitable.

Data in the third quarter of 2023; Total sales revenue of TT Mobile, Turkcell, Türk Telekom and Vodafone 48.3 billion TL shows that it is. On the share side, TT Mobile has 8.5 billion shares, Turkcell has 15.7 billion shares, Türk Telekom has 10.1 billion shares and Vodafone has 14.5 billion shares.

President of Consumers Association Levent KüçükHe also stated that unused minutes and internet should be refunded with the following words:

Operators vary their packages and tariffs on average. 150 percent raise made. It happens that this number increases even more. In addition, operators do not transfer unused internet and minutes in the package to the next month or refund the unused portion. For example, the operator sells 20 gigabytes of internet to the citizen, but the citizen gets paid for all of it even if he consumes 10 gigabytes at the end of the month. So citizen He is paying for a service he does not use.. This practice must be stopped.

What are your thoughts?


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