Britain’s Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Joins Cryptocurrency Company

Former UK chancellor of the exchequer George Osborne will advise cryptocurrency company Coinbase.

George Osborne, Between 2010-2016 He served as the country’s finance minister and is now a partner at investment bank Robey Warshaw LLP.

Osborne, 2017-2021 dates He also provided consultancy services for the BlackRock Investment Institute.

Former US Secretary of Defense Dr. is on the advisory board of Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the US. Names such as Mark T. Esper, former US senator Patrick Toomey and former congressman Sean Patrick Maloney are also included.

Coinbase appointed the company’s advisory board strengthening its global position He founded it to contribute to his work. The exchange recently received licenses to operate in countries such as France, Spain and Singapore.

Coinbase is experiencing legal difficulties in the USA, where the company is headquartered. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), violated securities laws He filed a lawsuit against the company last year on the grounds that

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