Bonus instead of mandatory vaccination: This supermarket manager pays vaccination premium *** BILDplus content *** – guide

Supermarket boss pays vaccination bonus

“My employees get 200 euros for the vaccination”

In BILD, Raphael Dirnberger explains his reasons and an expert explains the legal basis

Photo: Christian Rudnik

Regensburg – Raphael Dirnberger (32) runs three supermarkets and a bakery in Bavaria with 170 employees. “The Corona period was and is a great challenge for everyone. I didn’t just want to raise wages, I also wanted to offer a solidarity bonus, ”said Dirnberger.

But is the boss just allowed to do it, reward some and not others? Because a principle of equal treatment applies in labor law. Means: Nobody may be arbitrarily treated disadvantageously. BILD asked lawyer Nicole Mutschke.
