BNB Chain Activates Its New App Called “Red Alert”

The application called “Red Alarm”, which was implemented over BNB Chain DappBay, was offered to users in order to prevent possible frauds and crypto money scams.

with different uses decentralized applications (dApp) developer BNB Chain last week DappBay added a new one to these applications through its interface.

announced on their official site Red Alertprovides a number of technical possibilities where users can evaluate their project risk levels and perform consistency verifications on the network by searching the contract address.

BNB Chain investment director Gwendolyn Regina in his statement:

Red Alert feature helps users stay one step ahead of scammers; The system alerts the community to potential risks associated with projects in real time, allowing the community to make informed investment decisions.


Thanks to DappBay, developers will be able to list their decentralized applications on the platform. on apps fastest user growth, top performing coins They will have the technical features to follow the projects through metrics such as

In the continuation of Gwendolyn Regina’s statement, about this subject; “DappBay’s purpose is to help the community latest project rankings understanding market trends and project hazards in real time. to assist in forecasting. It also has other features that allow dApp developers to list their projects on DappBay.” made statements.

Applications with such technical features are the most recent developments in the cryptocurrency market. high-stakes scams It is designed to protect users against Thanks to the launch of the new platform and the Red Alarm feature, BNB Chain administrators decrease in fraud rates. is thinking.

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