Binance Goes to Restrict Some Cryptocurrencies

Binance has announced that it will stop some of the parities it has listed on the stock market. According to the statements made by the company, the new regulation will be effective as of January 28, 2022. So how will this decision affect cryptocurrency investors?

The world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange Binancemade an important statement that concerns all its users. Announcing that some parities that can be used for some cryptocurrencies will be removed, the stock market has announced that these parities will be removed. cannot be processed explained. The changes that have been made, January 28, 2022 will be valid as of

According to the statements made by Binance Trades will be stopped on 5 parities. However, the same cryptocurrencies can be traded in exchange for other parities. So as of January 28, you will only be able to trade crypto as we will talk about now.

Here are the trades to be stopped on Binance


Exactly what Binance does if you don’t understand however, if you are trading with one or more of the above cryptocurrencies, let’s explain the change to be made with an example. E.g; some Hegic (HEGIC) there is. As of January 28, this cryptocurrency You will not be able to sell for Ethereum (ETH). Instead, you will need to use the Binance USD (BUSD) pair. If you are going to sell HEGIC and buy Ethereum, you will first convert HEGICs to BUSD and then buy Ethereum with BUSD/ETH parity.


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The decision taken by Binance is not such a big deal. Because the stock market, last week 10 different parities are closed for trading. had explained. So, anything you need to worry about out of question.

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