Binance Airdrop Will List the Expected Altcoin as “Risky”!

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, will list a new altcoin today.

Binance 6 February With the official announcement made on CET today at 18:00announced that it will list Dymension (DYM) under the “Seed Tag” tag, which is a category of high-risk tokens.

BinanceAccording to the description of DYM Deposits have already started, while withdrawals have already started. CET 7 February 18:00 will start from.

Binance to investors upon listing. DYM/BTC, DYM/USDT, DYM/FDUSD And DYM/TRY with 4 different trading pairs including purchase and sale And trade opportunity will be offered.

It is known that once the Dymention project moves to the main network, it will be listed on many leading cryptocurrency exchanges other than Binance.

What is Dymension Coin (DYM Coin)?

Switching to mainnet Dymension, easy And “super-fast” capable of producing blocks, Roll-App It is a network called . Dymension team is expected to distribute a planned DYM airdrop soon.

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