BILD calls for the vaccine fuff – 50 euros vaccination bonus for everyone! – Domestic policy

This boss takes it into his own hands: Raphael Dirnberger (32) runs three Edeka stores and a bakery (170 employees) in Bavaria – and he pays his employees a vaccination bonus!

Full-time and part-time employees receive 200 euros – NET! He pays mini jobbers 25 euros.

Dirnberger to BILD: “The Corona time is a great challenge for everyone. I didn’t just want to raise wages, I also wanted to offer a solidarity bonus. ”
Total costs: at least 40,000 euros!

Generous Edeka boss: Raphael Dirnberger pays vaccination bonuses to his peoplePhoto: Christian Rudnik

The Edeka man: “Everyone who gets vaccinated not only protects himself, but also his fellow human beings. I personally want to reward this behavior. “

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It is exactly like that! And that’s why BILD demands: the “vaccination fuff” from the state!

50 euros bonus for everyone who is fully vaccinated! Instead of mandatory vaccination through the back door: a bonus from the state!

In order not to put pressure on families, children should be excluded from the premium! The money should also be able to be paid out retrospectively so that nobody is disadvantaged.

Because so far almost 53 million inhabitants have been fully vaccinated – 67% of the population. But that is not enough for EVERYONE to be carefree!

► That is what Union parliamentary group Vice Thorsten Frei (48, CDU) thinks: “If the vaccination rate can be increased significantly through a bonus, its social and economic benefit is many times greater: it saves lives, leads to more freedom and would also be quickly calculate economically. “

Wieland Schinnenburg (62, FDP) is also calling for “a vaccination premium of 50 euros”, but only “for future vaccinations”.

► Economic expert Prof. Jan Schnellenbach (TU Cottbus) even suggests premiums of up to 300 euros: “The costs for this are far below the damage caused by another corona wave.”

The economic institute Ifo estimates the value for society per vaccination at 1,500 euros: Because fewer cases of illness put less strain on the economy.
