Beware of Billion Dollar Security Vulnerability in Bitcoin: Refresh Wallets!

Cryptocurrency firm Unciphered claims billions of dollars in old Bitcoin wallets discovered a security vulnerability.

According to information shared by Washington Post randstorm The vulnerability, known as , affected cryptocurrency wallets created between 2011 and 2016.

While no further details are given about the detected bug, it is stated that the security vulnerability is caused by the JavaScript library called BitcoinJS. Unciphered team, this library Does not always generate private keys for cryptocurrency wallets as it should discovered.

of numbers randomly enough not being created, almost $1 billion It put cryptocurrency at risk of hacking.

Stefan Thomas, developer of BitcoinJS, in an interview with the Post vulnerability confirmed. Stating that he developed this software as a hobby, Thomas said that he took most of the code from a source code shared on Stanford University’s website.

Unciphered Analysis Director Nick Bax shared the following on his social media account: explain made:

“We have successfully uncovered the vulnerability so far in a coordinated manner. Service providers More than 1 million wallet owners informed. Please remove your crypto from your old addresses, ‘I told you so.’ “Don’t be the person they say.”

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