Beware of $22 Million That May Create Selling Pressure for NFT Altcoin!

Millions of dollars worth of locks were opened for the native token of the popular NFT platform Blur.

Reported by on-chain analysis platform Spot On Chain to data According to BLUR, it witnessed a large amount of lock openings. Data March 15 day $22.3 million worth 33.42 million of BLUR unlocked and then cryptocurrency exchange to Coinbase revealed that it was transferred.

June 2023 in total since $411 million worth 616.8 million BLUR unlocked. But this was the last major lock opening for BLUR.

Although BLUR lock openings will continue in the next 2 years, the amount will be much less compared to previous years. It is thought that this situation will alleviate the sales pressure on BLUR.

According to CoinGecko data, in the last 24 hours 8% BLUR, which has lost value, at the time of writing from $0.62 is being traded.

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