Because of burst tires: Munich Airbus flying low over Cologne Airport | Regional

Munich / Cologne – Shock moment for the passengers of the Lufthansa flight DLH2C from Munich to Chicago! The aircraft (type A350) took off in Munich on Wednesday, but had to turn around around 4 p.m. over the Atlantic at the level of Scotland. Because of technical problems.

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On the way back towards Munich, the plane made a spectacular low-level flight at Cologne / Bonn Airport. The reason: according to the Twitter portal “Airport Webcams”, to enable the ground staff to assess the damage. Apparently, a tire burst at the start in Munich.

However, when it arrived in Munich, the plane could not land. The long-haul aircraft’s tank was still too full. Draining the fuel was too dangerous. The Airbus pulled a few loops over Munich, then landed safely at Frankfurt Airport around 8.30 p.m., according to the Twitter portal.

How and why the flat tire came about is still unclear.
