Background of Hidden Pornographic Content on YouTube

An experiment by 404 Media’s Emanuel reveals how adult content is shared, found and overlooked on YouTube.

of YouTube Suitable for ages 18 and over in depth adult content It’s not exactly a secret that it exists. These are especially evident on the Shorts side. But it is also possible to find it among normal videos. At least that’s what research by 404 Media’s Emanuel Maiberg shows.

In his study, he examined how accessible these videos were. it’s easy is showing. Apart from this, these adult content videos finding and loading It also reveals the existence of a large community that has a share in it. Let’s take a closer look at this issue, which seems like a bottomless pit.

First of all, some of the videos containing nudity can remain on the platform if they are for educational purposes.

But other than that, YouTube strictly sexuality, nudity against content containing . When he sees these, he quickly deletes them from the platform. In fact, sometimes this goes too far and it’s not about sexuality. ‘educational’ videos Innocent channels can be blocked. But the platform does not allow this. Using certain vulnerabilities, different people upload videos that can be missed by the algorithm.

Because on the platform, simply breast-feeding There are many educational and awareness-raising videos on this subject. But by using similar titles, he took it to the sexual side. certain ones There is also. Don’t judge this by considering the editor’s or company’s understanding of sexuality. In order to hide videos with this purpose from the algorithm, they put them in similar categories with educational ones, with similar titles.

These videos are shared primarily on places like Reddit.


In this context, communities with names such as r/youtubenaked share nudity content they find on the platform. uploads videos here and they help others find it too. There are many communities like this. For example, one of these chest It contains videos in which the part is visible. They only post those videos here.

Of course, while this makes the videos in question easy to find, they are also available on YouTube. faster removal It causes. That’s why they need to upload videos that will keep them busy. Therefore, they should not use words identified with pornographic content anywhere. However, when these videos arrive on subreddits, they are often removed until the links are opened.

That’s why they thought of a one step above and safer subreddit: Discord server


But just go and say “Where is the invite link?It’s not the kind you can enter after saying “. To join the server, you need to meet certain conditions. Along with your application, you must meet the following conditions: 2 videos You should also add:

  • The video must contain explicit nudity
  • Must have less than 500 thousand views at the time of review
  • Upload date must be older than 48 hours
  • Must not have been removed from YouTube at the time of review
  • Both videos should not be from the same channel
  • If the nudity is for a short period of time, the time in the video should be marked

After a server named Jason sent this form to Emanuel, Emanuel did what was requested and entered the server.

So what’s on the server?

Discord At first glance, its server is filled with countless tips on how to find such videos. Besides, there are some theories. For example, some in different languages He says that such videos can be accessed more easily by searching. Apart from this, there are those who say that it is also useful to search for a specific file type and set a time range.

But what Emanuel later realized was more important than these clues. There was a rank system in the Discord server. The channels he saw were only open to newcomers. Browsing through the server, where channels are named by category, Emanuel saw that he had to sort of rank up in order to reach more categories. For this too more videos It had to be uploaded.

According to Emanuel, those in the second stage can access more categories, while those in the third stage; He could see categories such as gay and lesbian. In the fourth stage, VIP chat, safe, unlisted videos and fetish sections were opened. Finally, at the fifth rank, “some hidden advantagesIt was stated that.

Why are they doing this?


When Emanuel looked at conversations on Discord and Reddit, seen as ‘prey’ says. When people find something top secret, even if they spend hours on it, they feel happy and satisfied when they bring it to Discord. Although it is very easy to access pornographic content, the fact that a large number of people turn to it supports Emanuel’s thoughts.

Moderators of channels on Discord and Reddit refused to respond to questions.

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