At the border with Saxony: people smuggled in 1794 in just one month! | Regional

Pirna – The numbers are staggeringly high. 1794 people, 1794 fates!

The Pirna Federal Police announced on Tuesday that 150 people smuggled into the country were found at the Saxon-Polish border last weekend alone.

In October there were 1,794 refugees who each paid up to 10,000 euros for their smuggling. “The Saxon-Polish border remains the focus of the federal police in central Germany with regard to unauthorized entry and smuggling from Belarus via Poland,” said a federal police spokesman.

The main country of origin is currently Iraq, followed at a considerable distance by Syria and Iran. The refugees were distributed to initial reception centers in Saxony, but these are increasingly reaching their limits.

The smuggler of the fatal refugee transport last Friday is still on the run. The man had crammed 22 people into a van and drove to Saxony. A refugee died in the process.

Police chase smugglers Iraqi refugee dies in smugglers’ transporter

Source: BILD

October 29, 2021

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