Astronomers have discovered a new baby planet!

The question of whether there is life other than ourselves in the universe still remains a mystery. That’s why every corner of the galaxy, especially our solar system, is being explored. Space exploration has also gained momentum in recent years with the development of technology. Finally, astronomers have discovered the youngest planet to date.

Not all research in space is done just to discover new life forms or places with habitable ecosystems. This type of discovery of young planets, which will enable us to better understand the formation process of our planet, is also very important.

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NASA managed to record the sound of the planet thanks to the Perseverance rover, which it landed on the surface of Mars in February. Here are the details…

Youngest known planet: 2M0437b

Astronomers have recorded studies of some young planets before. But none of them were this young and easy to follow. CBS NewsAccording to the news of University of Hawaii a team led by a team that is only a few million years old and one of the youngest planets passed as one 2M0437bto Taurus Cloud discovered in Do not be deceived by the numbers. Because this planet is still defined as a baby.

about our world 400 light years located at a distance 2M0437b, It’s a pretty big planet. Moreover, it is almost a hundred times farther from the sun in its star system than the distance between our earth and the sun. A planet that’s usually this far out in its own system infrared radiation It gets too cold to spread. However 2M0437b It is one of the rare celestial bodies that still manage to stay warm because it is only a few million years old.

The approximate temperature of the planet’s lava-covered surface 1,500 Kelvin (1,227 degrees Celsius or 2,240 degrees Fahrenheit). In this way, the infrared light emitted by astronomers was noticed in 2018, even though it is 417 light-years away. Hawaiilocated in Subaru telescope Thanks to the team that made this discovery, W.M. Keck made near-infrared observations using the observatory.

Austinin University of Texasastronomer in Adam Kraus He made the following statement on the subject:

Excellent data from the Keck Observatory allowed us to confirm that our faint neighbor is not like that at all, but is moving through space with its star, and is a true friend to what is called. Eventually, we can even measure the orbital motion around the star.

Baby planet 2M0437b among candidates for Hubble Space Telescope

The team that made the discovery and studies of the planet, Hubble Space Telescope believes this star system would be an excellent candidate for observations using To date, many star systems and their planets and moons have been studied by specially developed observatories. Because the light from these stars is distorted as it enters the atmosphere of our world, and it is not possible for normal observatories to get the desired image.

Hubble that all these obstacles can be avoided. If it is accepted as a candidate, the age of the star and planet, especially its mass, gravitational force, even chemical traces in its atmosphere can be detected. This too 2M0437bIt can enable us to understand how the . University of Hawaii from astronomers Michael Liu made the following statement:

We all look forward to further investigations of such planets and such discoveries with future technologies and telescopes.

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