Astronomers Declare War on Satellites: International Center Established

Astronomers at the International Astronomical Union decided to join forces and set up a center against the exponentially increasing number of moons. The center aims to be the voice of the astronomy community.

The satellites that we put into our orbit, which are the building blocks of communication today, have become a big crowd in orbit with the ever-increasing need and new projects. So that the active in orbit number of satellites doubled since 2019increased from 2,200 to 5,000. While SpaceX’s Starlink project played a major role in the number of satellites, this project brought many discussions with it.

Within the scope of the Starlink project, which SpaceX started with the aim of offering cheap and fast internet to the whole world, a total of low orbital 42 thousand satellites plans to install. The company has also deployed 2,000 of these satellites. On the other hand, in addition to SpaceX, projects such as OneWeb and Project Kuiper show that the number of satellites will increase. But the increasing number of satellites brings with it a great challenge for astronomers. That’s why last week International Astronomical Union (UAU) A brand new center was established by

The war against the satellites begins:

  • This is how the traces left behind by Starlink satellites can be reflected in observations.

Complaining that satellites disrupt observations from the ground due to reflective light streaks, astronomers IAU Center for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference they opened. The center will be able to coordinate international interventions and aim to provide a strong voice for the astronomy community.


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Talking about the center’s importance, Alice Gorman is among commercial satellite operators and astronomers. they are facing a warannounced that it is expected to have 100,000 new satellites in orbit by the end of the next decade alone. Astronomer Alan Duffy said in his statement that when all of the Starlink satellites are sent into space, that microwave radio telescopes can no longer work expressed.

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