Artificial intelligence imposes penalties on those who do not comply with the smoking ban!

Authorities in Singapore Balefire The 3.0 version, called , started to detect smokers using an artificial intelligence system. This system monitors individuals who smoke, especially in areas where smoking is prohibited. When Balefire detects people smoking, it notifies local legal authorities in real time, so authorities can intervene quickly.

According to Pye Sone Kyaw, developer of Balefire, this artificial intelligence system was created to detect smokers in areas where there is a smoking ban. Places where smoking is prohibited include many different areas, such as indoor areas, parks, educational institutions, swimming pools and even pedestrian bridges.

In case of smoking in the wrong place for $148 A fine of up to 50% can be imposed, and in case of a lawsuit, this amount can be increased fivefold. One of the challenges facing the AI ​​system is accurately detecting small objects, such as cigarettes, from a distance.

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Balefire focuses on people’s head characteristics for more effective detection and It can follow people constantly. The system is constantly improving itself to reduce false alarms, and developers can detect different states in the system, e.g. people wearing helmets or dinerstrying to increase the accuracy rate by adding it manually.

Whether artificial intelligence-based surveillance systems such as Balefire will come to Turkey is closely related to Turkey’s technological capabilities, legal regulations and public policies. If Turkey is willing and ready to invest in similar technologies to support public health and legal regulations, such systems It is possible to think that it can also be applied in Turkey.

But this is not just a technological issue, it is also ethical, legal and social factors It requires a complex decision process that includes The extent to which this technology interferes with people’s private lives may be a matter of debate in Europe, because there is a principle in Europe that the depth of investigative measures should be proportional to the seriousness of the violation.

Do you think fining smokers with artificial intelligence could lead to new discussions on privacy and surveillance? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.

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