Are Only Children Spoiled?

“Only children are spoiled.” The label has been stuck on everyone’s lips for many years. Talking about it is not only impossible to avoid, but it also becomes frustrating. There are scientific studies that will answer those who talk about the “only child syndrome” that has been going on for years, by showing that the truth of the matter is not like that.

People say, “His mouth is not a bag so we can shrink it.” One of the issues he mentioned was parenting lessons. “Don’t stay with an only child, have a sibling.” to his statements, “This child is spoiled because he grew up alone.” When comments like these are added, it loses its flavor.

Although having an only child or being an only child frightens many people, there are many factors that support the existence of this syndrome. little scientific evidence You should know that it is. Let’s look at the facts about the “only child syndrome”, which is just an urban legend.

Who came up with this syndrome? I’m sure many only kids have things to say.

The concept of only child syndrome was put forward by two psychologists named G. Stanley Hall and EW Bohannon in the 1800s. Two psychologists not only came to this conclusion by conducting a survey of 200 people, but also “a disease in itself” says. According to the duo, they are only children; He becomes selfish, spoiled, incompatible, lonely, authoritarian and antisocial.

Psychologists were publishing their research in the 1900s and People with siblings are mentally healthier He decides it is. Families of that period also believed in this research and tended not to stay with only one child, and malicious thoughts became increasingly common.

Many different studies are being carried out to debunk the myth.

Psychologist Toni Falbo, who suffers from being an only child, conducts a study in 1986. The study finds no difference between children with and without siblings. Except for one thing. That is, only children are more likely than children with siblings to be stronger attachments to their parents that he feeds.

Based on this research, Andreas Klocke and Sven Stadtmüller analyze 10 thousand German children. In their research in 2018, children talking to your parents See how easy it is. As a result of the research, it is observed that 25% of only children, 24% of first children, 20% of middle children and 18% of youngest children have good relationships with their parents.


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There are also studies conducted in China, where the family policy is one-child.

only child

Researchers led by psychologist Jiang Qiu of Southwest University examined 126 students who were only children and 177 students who had siblings. children, thinking ability and personality is considered from this perspective.

It is seen in the children who took the creative thinking test that single children can solve problems by thinking flexibly. finds more creative solutions. The reason for this is shown to be because only children rely on themselves because they do not have siblings.

MRI tests reveal another fact. Areas related to imagination and creativity in the brain of single children more gray matter is available.

So why are some features of the syndrome actually present in only children?

The main reason for this, of course, is social imposition. The concept of only child, which has been around for many years, is ingrained in everyone. This inevitably reflects on raising children.

If parents say something about only child syndrome to their children, even jokingly, to the child’s development It can reflect. With what is said, children may think in their minds that their mistakes or developmental disabilities are due to not having a sibling.

There is not enough documentation proving only child syndrome and it is upbringing It should not be forgotten that . Knowing that the important thing is not the number of siblings, but parenting, makes children say, “I’m an only child, that’s why I’m like this.” An important step in breaking the perception.


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