Apple will use artificial intelligence in its existing services and products

Developed by OpenAI, the artificial intelligence-supported chat robot soon became a world agenda. In this way, technology giants started an arms race by improving themselves in artificial intelligence. While there were developments on artificial intelligence by Microsoft and Google, silence prevailed for Apple. It has become clear how Apple will proceed on this issue.

Apple wants to use artificial intelligence technology in its existing products

Developments in artificial intelligence by Microsoft and Google continue. However, there is no development directly related to artificial intelligence on the Apple side. It is a known fact that the company already uses artificial intelligence on its products and assistant. According to the statement made by Apple CEO Tim Cook, it will continue to progress in the same way.

Tim Cook explained that every product and service owned by the company benefits from artificial intelligence. In other words, the company plans to take it slow compared to other companies in artificial intelligence. The company will use artificial intelligence to improve its existing products and services.

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On the other hand, technology analyst Dan Ives announced that Apple has invested 10 billion dollars in artificial intelligence in the past year. According to Ives, the company will have taken important steps in artificial intelligence in the products it will introduce next summer. However, it should be noted that technology giant Apple expects a new technology to sit more when it comes to it, instead of using it directly.

Another technology analyst, Davidson Forte, made a statement supporting this view:

“As one of the largest companies in the world, Apple is doing something about artificial intelligence. But it won’t be as crazy as ChatGPT. While using artificial intelligence, Apple is doing much more to improve its technologies.”

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