Apple Will Allow Third-Party App Store in Russia

Russia has reached a preliminary agreement for Apple to open access to third-party app stores. After European Union countries, this time Russian citizens will be able to install applications on iPhones from external sources.

European Union, Digital Markets Act (DMA) cornered the US-based technology giant Apple. In accordance with the law, the company had to allow users to download applications from third-party application stores. The latest news is that DMA is a to furyaya that you can transform It makes you think. Because it was reported that Russia was also involved in a similar study.

It was a senior Russian official named Anton Gorelkin who made a statement on the issue. In the country RuStore Reminding that there is an application store called , the official said that work is also being done for the iOS version of this and that they are in close contact with Apple executives on this issue. In fact, according to Gorelkin’s statement, Apple management also cooperated with Russia. in agreement.

It is unclear when the change will occur

According to the statements made, Apple and the Russian government are still at the preliminary agreement stage. In other words, first of all, relevant regulations should be made and, if necessary, law preparation needs. On the other hand; We should also not forget that Russia was subject to sanctions due to the war in Ukraine. A new sanction RuStore is blocked and this may cause Russian citizens to return to the App Store again. Anton Gorelkin emphasized this and said that the Ministry of Digital Development is aware of these risks and will consider all the details about it.


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The new era initiated by the European Union has also manifested itself in Russia, other countries It is a sign that you may take action. It is possible that India will make similar decisions two days later and Turkey the next day. Moreover, when preparing such laws, governments limit Apple’s presence in the country. they threaten. In this case, Apple remains helpless and submits to the regulations. Let’s see what developments like this will take place in the coming days…

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