Apple Music Released its Recap for the Year 2022

Apple Music has released its annual recap, ‘Replay’, which allows users to view their activity on the platform over the past year. This year’s recap came with some innovations.

At the end of each year, online music services show the users’ activities for that year. summary publishes its features. This year, as always, users were eagerly waiting for the year-end summaries. Now, there has been a development that will make Apple Music users happy. Giant platform,replay” feature brought us together.

Users can now get a summary of what they listened to in the past year via Apple Music Replay. Apart from that, it should be added that the platform brought some innovations to the feature this year. Let’s take a look at what’s new and how you can reach your summary this year.

How to use Apple Music Replay?

Apple Music subscribers, link here You can access a summary of what you listened to on the platform last year. With ‘Replay’, the platform shows you the songs you listen to the most, the genre, the artist, the number of minutes you listen to and more, similar to the stories we see on social media. In each episode, a song suitable for that episode plays in the background.

Also all the details in the Replay, rather than the mobile app from desktop browsers is also accessible. Let’s mention that a playlist with the songs you listened to the most in the last year has been added in the mobile application. After watching their annual summaries, users can also scroll down to access more detailed information such as the albums and playlists they listen to the most. Apart from this, the annual summary can also be shared on social media.

Apple Music’s annual summary with this move is a little more To Spotify Wrapped We can say that it is similar. However, Replay still remains a more web browser-focused experience.


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It is not yet clear when Spotify, the most prominent platform for annual summaries, will release Spotify Wrapped. The platform brought the summary of 2021 to us on December 1 last year. We can guess that it may come on a similar date this year. On the other hand, let’s add that in addition to Apple Music, YouTube Music has started to publish the summary of the year 2022 today.

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