Apple CEO warns against this feature: Users are in danger

The biggest threats to user data in the tech world may often be attributed to third-party cookies and hackers. But Apple CEO Tim Cookwhose users are a different threat “sideloading” he warned.

Speaking at the IAPP Global Privacy Summit by the Apple CEO the other day, Why allow sideloading on iPhone not given explained. According to Cook’s statements, sideloading will never come to iOS.

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Apple CEO Tim Cook worried about sideloading

Speaking at the IAPP Global Privacy Summit, Apple CEO Tim Cook said he was concerned about the work of politicians forcing it to sideload the iOS platform. So what Apple CEO is “concerned about” Why is sideloading dangerous?

According to Cook, iOS users trying to sideload any app undermines App Store privacy efforts. According to Cook, this feature increases the chances of exposing users to potential dangers.

“Politicians are taking steps to allow apps outside of the App Store to be installed on iPhone through a process called sideloading in the name of competition. This means that data-hungry companies can circumvent our privacy rules and track our users against their will once again.”

cook, the danger of sideloading pointed out how malware circulates on Android.

“For example, at the beginning of the pandemic, to infect ransomware Covid-19 apps We’ve seen reports of software that looks like But these victims were not iPhone users. Because hackers targeted users who lacked the App Store’s defenses.”

What is sideloading If you are wondering, let’s explain briefly: It is tried to download applications from third-party sites other than stores such as Google Play and App Store. most simply Download Android APK We can give an example.

But what do you think about the sideloading warnings from Apple? Don’t forget to share your feedback with us on the SDN Forum or in the comments!

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