Anatolian Leopard Spotted for the First Time in Years [Video]

The Anatolian Leopard, which was thought to be extinct due to not being seen for years although it was seen for a period, was re-imaged years later.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirlihas made some interesting statements recently. on social media”Even the country’s minister attributed it to romance.The first of these explanations, which caused comments to be made as “It was said to be extinct…” Pakdemirli made a new statement only a day later, this time saying “Maybe because he likes to live alone no one could reach him.‘ he had used.

Statements made by Minister Bekir Pakdemirli, by anyone could not understand. However, last night, there was a development on this issue. Pakdemirli, who once again took the path of Twitter, this time gave some details about his mysterious statements. “that you live we have the evidence. He guards it meticulously and to our geography to spread We are making our preparations. All details are at 10:00 tomorrow…“The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry seemed to be pointing to an animal breed unique to Anatolia. “Endangered Species ProjectAlthough Bekir Pakdemirli, who spoke within the scope of “, did not make a clear sentence on the subject, these mysterious posts seem to have been made for the Anatolian Leopard.

It was understood that the Anatolian leopard, which is thought to be extinct, is alive

İhlas News Agency (İHA) shared some images. In these images, thought to be extinct There was an Anatolian Leopard. The Anatolian Leopard was seen years ago in Ankara, but no information could be found because it was shot dead. New images served caught by thermal cameras reveals the existence of an Anatolian Leopard. Fortunately, it was not disclosed where the footage was taken.

In the statements made on the subject, it is stated that the Anatolian leopard lives in every region except Thrace, but in the mountains and in the mountains. because it’s out of sight It was stated that the species was thought to be extinct. Moreover, the populations of these creatures are getting better and better. well their numbers continue to increase.

Anatolian leopard

Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Management, Lecturer prof. Dr. From Right to Othermade statements about the Anatolian Leopard, which was displayed years later. In those statements, the following statements were made:

The leopard can hide himself very well, without making a distant sound like the roar of a lion. hunting alone is a predator. Although they live close to human settlements in many places, they do not show much. They are generally active at night, although in deserted areas they move during the day. The males meet with the female during the mating season, while at other times they live alone. The females, on the other hand, raise the young alone, if any, lives with her offspring. That is, leopards do not form groups or packs like wolves. Of the species that make up the leopard food; Improvement in populations of species such as Red goat, Black goat, Roe deer, Deer, Wild boar and Hare, It also improves leopard populations.. The populations of our western regions, which disappeared or dwindled in many places in the past, are now re-emerging. in an upward trend is is observed.

Bekir Pakdemirli: You wanted to hear some kind of name from me, but…

Speaking at the promotion of a new project implemented in cooperation with the European Union, Pakdemirli gave an answer to the question that everyone was wondering about. Stating that everyone is waiting to hear the name of only one living species today, the Minister of Agriculture said that his main aim is to draw attention to all endangered creatures…

The image of the Anatolian leopard obtained years later

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