An error appeared on Google that crashed the site!

Google’s online document creator and editor platform Google Docsis facing a notable error. This error, which causes the developers to argue with each other, is the same word. 5 times appears by writing.

After detecting this surprising error, writing a common word, crash the software shows that it may be sufficient. With the statement shared the other day, the error is seen in all accounts and browsers.

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Site crashed after repeatedly typing ‘And’ in Docs

Google Docs user Pat NeedhamAccording to a statement given to Google, in Google Docs “And. And. And. And. Andean” The Docs tab in the browser crashes when you type. The error affected Documents in personal, G Suite Basic, and work accounts. Besides, the same problem Firefox and Chrome Turns out it’s in their browser as well.

After this question, many people wondered if the same error occurred in different words. According to the shares made by users, ‘anyway‘, Who‘,’Therefore,‘,’thigh‘,’Why‘ and ‘besides‘ also caused Docs to crash.

After all this, a Google employee made a statement about the error. In the employee statement, “Dear Google Docs users, we are aware of the issue and are currently working on a fix. Thank you for uncovering this issue and sharing it with us. We will keep you informed.” said.

This has come after the introduction of the ‘assisted writing’ feature, which allows Google Docs users to improve the quality of their writing. Although there is no clear explanation about whether the problem has been resolved or not, there is no error for now.

So, what do you think about this error? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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