An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 occurred in Hatay!

On February 6, 2023, an earthquake of 7.8 magnitude occurred at 04:17 in the Pazarcık district of Kahramanmaraş province. Surrounding provinces, especially Hatay, Adana, Osmaniye, Diyarbakır, Malatya and Şanlıurfa, were also affected by the earthquake.

After more than 100 aftershocks that occurred later, up to 6.6, another earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 (revised as 7.7) according to AFAD data and 7.5 magnitude according to Kandilli Observatory data took place at 13:24.

There was a big earthquake in Hatay!

An earthquake of 6.4 magnitude occurred in the center of Hatay Büyükçat-Samandağ. Data belong to Kandilli Observatory. In addition, many residents in the area confirmed that a large-scale earthquake occurred and lasted for a long time.

Source: Kandilli Observatory

After the 6.4 magnitude earthquake, 5.8, 5.6, 3.2 and 4.0 aftershocks (some of which have not yet been confirmed by us) are said to have occurred. In addition, journalists in the region state that many buildings that were not destroyed in the earthquake, but were found to be damaged and evacuated, collapsed and turned into rubble.

Earthquake report: Number of dead, injured, rescued, personnel and destroyed buildings [Güncel]

Earthquake report: Number of dead, injured, rescued, personnel and destroyed buildings [Güncel]

We update and share the number of dead, injured and destroyed buildings announced as a result of the Southeast Anatolian earthquake.

News is updating…

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