Airdrop Expected Altcoin Project Introduced the System It Evolved Before Mainnet!

While Fuel Labs announced that the transition to the main network would take place in 2024, all eyes turned to the possibility of airdrop.

The team at Fuel, an operating system designed specifically for Ethereum Rollups Fuel Labstransition to the mainnet In the third quarter of 2024 announced that it would happen.

In addition to the announcement, Rollup OS was introduced, a vision for rollup technology that has the potential to reshape the future of blockchain development. Opening Rollup Operating System It was stated that this technology will make it easier for developers to produce scalable decentralized applications and interact with different blockchains.

The team emphasized that more details will be announced in the coming weeks:

The Fuel team will share more details about Fuel’s unique architecture, product roadmap, and launch plans in the coming weeks.

Transition periods to the mainnet, issuing native tokens for many projects and releasing this token to early users airdrop period means.

While expectations that Fuel, which does not yet have a local token, will also airdrop, increase with these statements, users air drop In order to gain the right, it has already started to increase its interactions with the Fuel ecosystem.

Fuel has already included in its ecosystem Aerv Finance And Fluid Protocol There are many decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols such as. In addition, it should be used within the possible airdrop conditions. Fuel Wallet And Fuel Native Bridge It is among the remarkable products.

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