A Star With Newly Formed Planets Was Photographed

Historical data from the veteran Hubble Space Telescope has led to another new discovery. Structures that are still only gas and dust around a star, which will soon turn into planets, have been observed.

For the first time in history, a star one of the critical moments in the extinction stage had been observed. A star that turned into a red giant 12 thousand light years away, swallowed its own planet in the process.

Those moments, whose data were captured, showed the fate of our Sun and Earth 5 billion years later. Today, before there was a single planet, scientists pointing to what the Solar System looks like He made a new discovery.

The discovery in 2017 was repeated:

In 2017, scientists observed an interesting shadow in a round structure made of gas and dust in data obtained thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope. This shadow was located around the red giant stage star TW Hydrae, one of the last stages in the death of stars.

The most accepted explanation for this shadow was that it belonged to an unseen planet. The planet’s gravity pulls dust and gas into its orbit, forming its own disk. the disc around the star shadowed it.

A second shadow was spotted on the same system recently:


Examining Hubble’s data for June 6, 2021, scientists found that only a few years apart appeared around the same star. to a second shadow came across. Scientists stated that this shadow also belongs to the disk of a different invisible planet.

What do you mean by ‘invisible’ planet?

Yes, there is no planet in the middle. The structures whose shadows have been discovered are just a disk of dust and gas revolving around a center of gravity. Here’s the disc that we can’t see today but planets we will see in a few hundred thousand years will create.

In the text published by the European Space Agency, it was stated that the distance of both planets to the star is similar to the distance between Jupiter and the Sun. Also, the rotation of shadow structures around the star. completed in 15 years calculated.


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