A Mobile Version of Elden Ring May Be Coming!

Allegedly, Tencent is planning to bring its game Elden Ring, which was a great success on the console, to mobile platforms. The company had previously achieved great success with PUBG Mobile and Call of Duty Mobile.

One of the important games of console platforms ring from hand, may also appear on mobile devices in the future. Different sources have claims regarding this issue. It was known recently that Tencent was looking for a new hit game. Allegedly, it aims to close this gap by bringing Elden Ring to mobile.

It is the largest gaming company in the world in terms of turnover. Tencentacquired the rights to Elden Ring in 2022. Afterwards, a team started working to transfer the game to mobile, but it is stated that the process did not progress very quickly.

Elden Ring Mobile may be much closer than we think

During the development processes of Elden Ring, the writer known in our country for the Game of Thrones series George R. R. Martin and experienced game designer Hidetaka Miyazaki had worked together. In this action-packed game, we had to deal with many different fantasy monsters. The game went on sale in 2022 for $60 and is available worldwide. more than 20 million copies He managed to sell it.

Tencent’s aim is to rival Genshin Impact

hand ring

Elden Ring was initially released as a premium game. with a high price tag It was on the market. Tencent now aims to use the power of this brand in a free-to-play game. The aim of the Chinese gaming giant is to develop the popular game of another Chinese company, miHoYo. “Genshin Impact” To release a game with in-game purchases that will compete with.

Tencent And From FromSoftware While there is no statement on the subject yet, ring from hand It is a matter of curiosity how the experience will be transformed on mobile, especially on Tencent’s freemium model. Tencent had previously tried to bring the Nier brand to mobile, but later abandoned this project.

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