A Major Bug in the Lightning Network Resolved

Fixed a major issue in the Lightning Network developed for Bitcoin.

Founder of Bitmatrix, that there is a bug in Lightning Network by Burak Keçeli made and abnormally large detected after a procedure.

Lightning Network nodes (nodes) perform this operation using multisig because the size of the transaction is much higher than normal. could not support.

According to the statement made by the Lightning Labs team, the nodes in the network could not synchronize with each other due to this process. However, no material damage was experienced during this process.

Lightning Network nodes are located in the transaction immediately after the transaction. rejected the block. Nodes from that block the next blocks did not accept either.

Felt said that his action would cause such a problem. before you do it he knew. But he himself, the developers of the vulnerability in the network instead of reportingchose to perform the transaction.

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