A Group of YouTubers Made The World’s Lowest Car!

Italian YouTubers named Carmagheddon designed an unusual tool by pushing the limits. The team cut a Fiat Panda in half to make one of the lowest cars in the world.

YouTubers from around the world producing automobile-focused content can come up with vehicle designs and modifications that leave our mouths open. For example, a few months ago, we saw a content producer make a Tesla Model 3 that could go wrong.

Now, a YouTube account called Carmagheddon from Italy has appeared with a car that we will rarely see. Made by a team with more than 620,000 subscribers, this vehicle has more features than any other car you’ve seen so far. being close to the ground.

What appears to be a bug in GTA is said to be the ‘world’s lowest car’

YouTubers, who have crazy car content, have a video that was shared three weeks ago and has been on the agenda of social media recently. Fiat Panda redesigned the vehicle to be very close to the ground.

Carmagheddon, completely under the hood of the vehicle. cut And three little wheels added. You may also be wondering how to use this tool, which seems to be a bug in GTA. When we look at the video, a single person got stuck in and we see him lying uncomfortably on a board and controlling the car with something like a handlebar.

The driver also can’t even see ahead and so is connected to a camera on the top of the vehicle. smart phone can look around. We can also see that a small single-cylinder engine has been added to the vehicle, which seems to be halfway through the road. Despite all this, the vehicle can successfully drive on the road.

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