A coach reveals eight lightning strategies

annoying colleagues

Whiners, know-it-alls or grumps can destroy the fun at work in the long run.

Berlin Bernd Stromberg once put it this way: “Coworkers are like pimples – you have them whether you want them or not.” It’s certainly not as extreme as the fictitious disgusting boss in the series of the same name claims. But in the work context, people also meet who get on each other’s nerves – avoiding each other is out of the question.

There is the argumentative colleague who exhausts everyone else with her bossiness. Or the whining team leader who responds to advice with “It’s not that simple”. These people aren’t just annoying, they’re a constant burden. But there are ways to defend yourself against them. Coach and author Attila Albert knows which ones. For ten years he has been teaching clients to communicate better.

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