A Car Cemetery Full of Porsches Found in the USA

A person named Steve Rhodes discovered a car cemetery filled with Porsche 928s that were once very popular in the USA. The cemetery, whose images were shared on Facebook, stunned those who saw it.

Produced from 1978 to 1995, the Porsche 928 is not as popular as other models. his favorite place was the United States; As a matter of fact, a Porsche 928 cemetery was discovered in the same country.

A person named Steve Rhodes revealed a car graveyard full of Porsche 928s in his Facebook post. In stunning photos 13 Porsche 928slying there as if waiting to be rescued.

Although the owner of the Porsches is not interested in the vehicles, the area is protected:

The owner of the Porsches in the photos asked a friend of the landlord if he could keep his vehicles, but hasn’t received any response since. The person may no longer want to deal with these tools, which can cost a ton of money today. It is interesting that vehicles are not sold in; They wait in an abandoned way.


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To those who plot evil with Rhodes vehicles, Porsche’s monitored by cameras and reminds you that you are in a protected area. The prices of Porsche 928s we see on the internet can vary not only according to their condition, but also according to their engines. There are different models available in this 928 cemetery, and we leave them to you to discover.

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