3 Million Rug-Pull From Arbitrum Based Exchange: Token Price Almost Zeroed!

Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) Swaprum (SAPR), operating on the Ethereum (ETH) layer-2 solution Arbitrum (ARB) network, made a $3 million “Rug Pull”.

Arbitrum network, which causes loss of many users million dollar fraud It came up. Blockchain security firm PeckShield by operating as DEX according to shared data Swaprum approximately 3 million dollars worth 1,628 EthereumHe disappeared by stealing the (ETH) Rug Pull method.

The fraud operation in question caused the team to unexpectedly lose the liquidity of the exchange’s local token. by draining the pools started. Later, the team converting the tokens to ETH, SAPR price in a short time. almost to reset led to

After this process, the team members transferring the funds from the Arbitrum network to the Ethereum network, 3 million dollars value in Ethereum mixer in a short time Tornado Cashcarried it to. With the last action making it almost impossible to track assets The team disappeared.

In parallel with the Rug Pull operation, the team twitter, Telegram And on GitHub social media accounts as well deleted.

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