18+ Video Sites Referenced in the Book of Religious Culture

It turned out that there was a scandalous error in the Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge book distributed by the Ministry of National Education to thousands of 10th grade students. A link in the book’s bibliography directed users to a website with 18+ videos. So how was such a mistake made? Here’s what you need to know before blaming the Ministry…

Prepared by the Ministry of National Education for 10th grade students Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge In his book, an extremely disturbing detail came to light. In the bibliography of the book, with adult content a website was included as a ‘source’.

So how did such an incredible mistake come about? Especially in the book Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge, was there any intention to have such a situation? Before you start lynching the ministry, it’s good to continue reading our content..

How did the Ministry of National Education make such a big mistake?

As a matter of fact, the Ministry of National Education does not made no mistake. When we look at the bibliography in detail, we see that the MoNE last accessed the aforementioned web page on February 21, 2018. In other words, it has been a long time like 3 and a half years.

When we look at the web archive that contains the past screenshots of any web page, we look at the latest screenshot of the web page in question. September 27, 2020 and September 22, 2021 We see it updated. On September 27, 2020, the Ministry of National Education cited ‘Equilibrium Evidence‘ while preserving its existence; Still being redirected in the update September 22, 2021 adult website We see the redirect.

In short; the error in question is not due to the Ministry of National Education citing an adult content site, due to the source shown being redirected to the adult content site as of September 22

Here is the source used in the book on September 27, 2020

web archive

source site