17 Inventions That Entered Our Lives As A Result Of The World Wars

World wars were events that had a great impact on the whole world. If we leave aside all military developments, it is possible to see that the inventions of the world war have taken a place in our ordinary lives. We have listed 17 inventions that were invented during or as a result of the world wars and are still used today.

The world wars caused great changes for the entire planet and its people. As a result of the 1st World War, the borders of Europe were redrawn, and as a result of the 2nd World War, Hitler’s Germany fell. Many military inventions and weapons such as tanks, aircraft, warships, guns and bombs. technological inventions Although this emerged during the World Wars, the ordinary everyday things that we still use today as a result of the World Wars invention was done.

1st and 2nd. World War II inventionsmay surprise you when you see it, because something you would never have thought of like Pilates during World War I. invention You don’t anticipate. To see this and many other interesting and useful inventions, without further ado, we have prepared for you the 17 world wars that entered our lives. invention Let’s move on to our list.

Inventions that entered our lives with the world wars:

  • First World War inventions:
    • Trench coat
    • Clock system that allows us to use daylight efficiently
    • blood banks
    • Pilates
    • Stainless steel
    • Zipper
    • Watch
    • Unmanned aerial vehicle
  • WWII inventions:
    • Computer
    • ATM
    • Japanese glue
    • Penicillin
    • Satellite
    • Radar
    • Pen
    • jet engines
    • Photocopy

First World War inventions:

Trench coat

We can also call it a kind of raincoat, thinner Trench coats, which are the first to be worn by British soldiers during World War I, gained popularity. Waterproof Trench coats began to replace standard coats made of thick and cotton, as they were light and protected. Another plus is that trench coats are lighter than coats. extra gun pockets was hosting.

Clock system that allows us to use daylight efficiently

summer time winter time

By November, many Americans were within the 24-hour clock. 1 hour extra they earn and that 1 hour in March they are losing. in Europe too Winter Time and Daylight saving time This method, which was applied as invention was done. This method, which started to be used in Germany in April 1916, then reached the UK, then all of Europe and finally the USA. In our country, there has not been a dual clock application since 2013.

blood banks

blood banks

Blood banks, the place where all blood donations made today are collected, were first invented during World War I. of different blood types It was discovered that there was a blood clot and it was realized that the lifespan of these bloods could be extended by cooling. USA Army doctor Oswald Robertson, in collaboration with the British army, established the world’s first blood bank on the Western Front in 1917.



Joseph Hubertus, who lived in Great Britain and was of German descent Pilates A muscle-strengthening exercise with simple stretches for soldiers after the outbreak of World War I. He invented. After the war ended, he opened a gym for himself in New York City, USA, and gave this exercise his last name.

Stainless steel

stainless steel

The British army sought stronger materials to ensure their weapons were destroyed later in the war. British metallurgist Harry Brearley discovered that adding chromium to molten iron results in a stainless steel. Although stainless steel was not used for weapons, during the war aircraft engines and medical supplies used in many fields.



The zipper, which was originally intended to protect the waist bags in which soldiers and sailors carry money, was designed by an inventor named Gideon Sundback. was invented. Although buttons continued to be on the clothes of soldiers during the war, the zipper, which was first sewn into the clothes of fighter jet pilots, increased its popularity from the 1920s onwards.



Before World War I, wristwatches were only women It was seen as an elegant accessory worn by Men are chained pocket watch was using. Even though it is a little late, men who realize that it is much more practical to use a wrist watch are also immediately watch and thus the use of pocket watches decreased.

Unmanned aerial vehicle

first drone

your Wright brothers 15 years after the success of the first aircraft experiments, the US military recruits Orville Wright (one of the brothers) first unmanned aerial vehicle invited to experiment. An engineer named Charles Kettering led all the experiments, and in 1918 they successfully produced the first unmanned aerial bomb. This is the bomb 120 kilometers command range he had.

WWII inventions:


first computer

II. Germans during World War II Enigma first to decode Alan Turing by invention The first computer, which is the ancestor of today’s super fast powerful computers and smart phones, was a very large device as you can see in the picture. Using the 1 and 0 coding system decode with electric waves Computers invented for computer science entered daily use towards the end of the 80s.


Alan Turing’s Story Full of Secrets With the ‘Apple Logo’ Inside

ATM (Debit)

first ATM

The inventor Luther Simijian, who had to immigrate from Armenia to the USA at the age of 16, 200 different patents and the most popular and widespread of these today is ATMs. In 1939, he built the world’s first working ATM. inventor Simijian could not put his invention into circulation until 1960, as he could not gain people’s trust.

Japanese glue

How was glue stick invented?

under the name of our country Japanese glue superglue, gun sight accidentally by someone trying to produce invented a product. Harry Coover, who later started working for Kodak, discovered a mixture that dries in a very short time and is almost impossible to distinguish between two objects once dry.



A war that changed the course of World War II. invention the one which penicillinIt was an immediate-acting drug, and when applied to soldiers shot at the front, it helped them survive until they were treated without pain. The drug, which started to work in 1938 and was fully used in 1941, is still in use today.


first satellites

It is a technology that the Germans used during the war and that no one knew what it was at that time. From the V2 rocket cheating Russians and Americans began sending satellites into space and even fought to send the first humans to the Moon. As a result of all this International Space Station has been built.


first radar

Radar, whose experiments were started by Heinrich Hertz in the 1800s, can detect distant objects and the speed and distance of these objects by the reflection of radio waves. Of course, although it was not used for this purpose from the 1800s to the 1900s, it was used by the British army during World War II during the Battle of Britain. detecting air strikes developed and is still in use today.


first ballpoint pen

Journalist Laszlo Biro, fed up with the fact that fountain pens leave stains when carried in the pocket and this ink stain does not come out, invented the ballpoint pen after the type of ink he saw in a printing house. This ink dried when applied to paper and Biro placed this ink on a pen tip in a tube and patented it in 1938.

jet engines

jet engines

Developed between 1939 and 1945, jet engines came to the fore in the last months of World War II as a way to give fighters an advantage over their enemies. German ME 262 model airplane, not much less than it British Gloucester Meteor model plane, first jet engines carrying aircraft.


first copy

Chester Carlson, who has worked in patent offices for years, realized that copying and correcting individual copies of documents was an exhausting process. After countless hours of experimentation, it still remains today. photocopy the science of machines xerographyIt was invented in 1937.

Thus, At the end of our list of 18 inventions that came into our lives as a result of the world wars and that we still use. we have arrived. Please do not forget to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below. Also on our official Telegram channel from here You can subscribe.

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