10 Things Everyone Should Know About Cat Care

We all love cats, one of our unusual furry friends, but do we know enough about their care? Before you adopt a cat for the first time, there are some important information you should know about cat care. In the light of this information, you can make your cat much happier and healthier by looking at it and loving it a lot.

Almost all of us love cats, except for a small group of people who are scared or allergic. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most compatible animals to live with at home. However love is not enough to take care of a cat. If you are going to adopt a cat for the first time, you should master some important information about cat care. This information will make your cat both happier and healthier.

Before going into details, let’s remind you that we use the word ownership on purpose. Keep in mind that traded animals suffer from major psychological disturbances and health problems. Anyway, wherever you turn your head, you will definitely see a cat in need, why give money to traders who torture animals? Let’s take a closer look at the care information you need to know before adopting your new feline friend.

Here are the basics you need to know about cat care:

  • Comb their hair every day.
  • Always make sure he drinks fresh water.
  • Have extra cat litter.
  • Check to see if he’s urinating out of the sand.
  • Be sure to train him to use a scratching post.
  • Have a special carrier box.
  • Do not neglect dental care.
  • Choose your vet well.
  • Have regular veterinary visits.
  • Be sure to have your cat neutered.

Brush their hair every day:

Cats clean themselves with their special tongues and swallow their dead hairs. However, it is not very pleasant to vomit these feathers later. Therefore, with a special comb Brush your cat daily and remove dead hair. You lie for pleasure again. During the scan, you have the chance to check your cat’s body. The sooner you discover his wound, sore spot, or anything else out of the ordinary, the better.

Make sure he always drinks fresh water:

cat care

Let’s put water in a big bowl and drink it for days, it means that your cat has come into contact with the air and It means drinking water of poor quality. Just as people buy and drink a new glass of water each time, you should do the same for your cat. Some cats may not like to bend over to drink water. You can consider using different water fountains available in the market.

Have extra cat litter:

cat care

Many people think that only one litter box is enough for cats. However, many experts he says it’s better to put an extra litter box. Do not forget to clean their litter frequently and check their stools during this cleaning. It is possible to detect many health problems early in this way.

Check for urinating out of the sand:

cat care

If the litter in the box is dirty, most will litter elsewhere. But that’s not the only reason to urinate out of sand. seen in cats as a result of some urinary tract infections Such behavior has been observed. For this reason, it would be better to show your cat to a veterinarian before scolding.

Be sure to train him to use a scratching post:

cat care

Cats have to scratch to renew the dead layers on their nails. but they don’t have to scratch the beautiful furniture. Get your cat a scratching post he will love and patiently teach him how to use it. The scratching post will be good for both his nails and his muscles as he will make strange movements while scratching.

Have a custom carrier box:

cat care

You always carry your cat in a carrier box outside. However, many people leaves her cat in the next seat while traveling by car and so it goes. We are talking about cats; Isn’t it obvious how big of a risk this is? Get a special carrier box that you can use in the vehicle and get your cat to travel here by getting used to it.

Do not neglect dental care:

cat care

The dental health of cats is just as important as that of humans. If maintenance is not done gum disease and rotten teeth may occur. In fact, some bacteria found in the teeth can cause many different diseases by mixing with the blood. On the other hand, cats do not easily brush their teeth. For this reason, you should consult your veterinarian and have regular dental care.

Choose your vet well:

cat care

Although all veterinarians receive similar training, each has a different specialty. Therefore, before choosing a veterinarian, you should do a good research and you should choose a veterinarian who specializes in working with cats for many years. Such a choice would be best for everyone.

Have regular veterinary visits:

cat care

When you observe an unusual situation in your cat, you should go to the vet immediately. But don’t necessarily expect it to be a special occasion to go to the vet. Establish a schedule of visits as often as the vet would recommend. Thus, your cat’s weight is regularly monitored, vaccinations are applied regularly and teeth cleaning is done regularly.

Get your cat neutered:

cat care

sterilization process it doesn’t just prevent cats from breeding. With sterilization, uterine infections, ovarian cancers, breast tumors, testicular cancer and prostate problems in males and females are prevented. Neutering also prevents males from roaming and marking territory.

Before adopting a cat for the first time We talked about some cat care information that you should know. and we explained the details about the subject. What we tell is for informational purposes only. Your biggest assistant in cat care will be veterinarians.

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